Category: Memoir
The Maze
The Maze Dominic Lyne’s Cycle-2 series charted the beginnings of his journey through the mental health system through a collection of illustrated shorts and diary entries. It allowed the reader into his mind, revealing how he perceives the world around him, his thoughts and addictions. Acting as an introduction to his work about his mental health difficulties, The…
Project Semicolon
Project Semicolon: Your Story Isn’t Over For fans of PostSecret, Humans of New York, and If You Feel Too Much, this collection from suicide-awareness organization Project Semicolon features stories and photos from those struggling with mental illness. Project Semicolon began in 2013 to spread a message of hope: No one struggling with a mental illness…
This Hollow Soul
This Hollow Soul Drawn during the start of his intensive treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder, the illustrations contained within This Hollow Soul represent a visual record of Dominic Lyne’s emotional state as he fell into depression. 24 illustrations over 32 pages. Details Date of Release:27 November 2016 Format:Paperback – 32 pages | eBook Available From Digital:Apple Books…
The Voice that Betrayed
The Voice that Betrayed Your love lies spentin the hollowed out bottomof a bottle you never oncedrank. The Voice that Betrayed contains over eighty poems written by Dominic Lyne between 2011 and 2013. Focusing on subjects including the breakup of a relationship and drug addiction, this collection of poems charts Dominic Lyne’s emotional life during two…
Thoughts of Discord
Thoughts of Discord Go back… existing in an alternate world. Chemically calm or chemically enhanced. The choice always a pill, a line, a glass. Record the pain, get it out from the head. Let the words echo into the air, vibrations locked in the surroundings for eternity. One chance, one redemption, one way of escape.…
Cycle-2 [Series]
Dominic Lyne’s Cycle-2 series charts the beginnings of the author’s journey through the mental health system through a collection of illustrated shorts and diary entries. It allows the reader into the author’s mind, revealing how he perceives the world around him, his thoughts and addictions. It provides an interesting insight into the mind of someone who is…
The Mushroom Diaries
The Mushroom Diaries Based upon journal entries and notes written at the time, The Mushroom Diaries catalogue six of the trips the author and his boyfriend experienced as they allowed their mushroom induced visions to lead them through the streets and subways of London. The Mushroom Diaries is the story of two people, a twisted romance coloured in…