The Transformative Power of Tattoo

The Transformative Power of Tattoo

A bold and eclectic collection of fiction, nonfiction and poetry about the indelible marks we call tattoos, why we get them, and how they transform a person’s life.

The Transformative Power of Tattoo offers a range of narratives, from poignant, heartfelt poetry to sharp-witted and amusing short stories, traversing themes like class, body image, and interpersonal relationships through the prismatic lens of body art.

With each indelible mark mapping an undercurrent of personal change and identity, The Transformative Power of Tattoo is an exploration of the transformative power bound to the art of tattooing.

You can read about the contributors here:


Date of Release:
07 September 2023

Paperback – 166 pages

Available From:
Guts Publishing | |

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First Edition
Second Edition