2Fast2Furious: An Anthology
Thirty-two authors ‘novelise’ one film in their own unique styles. 2Fast2Furious: An Anthology is an alt-lit anthology based loosely on the film 2Fast2Furious.
Featuring work by Dominic Lyne, Beach Sloth, Lee Costello and Bob Schofield.
Edited and compiled by author Dominic Lyne, based on an original concept by Chris Dankland.
Originally concieved by Chris Dankland, 2Fast2Furious: An Anthology started life as a Facebook group aimed at producing an alt-lit novelisation of a film. Out of the options given, the final choice was racing film 2Fast2Furious.
53 authors were contacted to ‘novelise’ 53 scenes which make up the film 2Fast2Furious. The authors were given free reign of how they wanted to approach their ‘scene’ from direct adaptation to abstract interpretation, having never read the previous or subsequent scenes. The final result was this book. 32 of the authors submitted a piece of work and the final content was edited, compiled and designed by Dominic Lyne – who has two pieces of work in the final project.
The different styles of storytelling resulted in an anthology of work as opposed to a straight forward novelisation, with each individual chapter being able to stand alone by itself and as a part of the continous story.
Release Date:
01 April 2014