Seven Deadly Sins
“Rage, fury, intense indignation
In cataracts of fire, blood and gall,
In whirlwinds of sulphurous smoke:
And enormous forms of energy;
All the seven deadly sins of the soul
In living creations appear’d
In the flames of eternal fury.”
William Blake – Book of Urizen: Chapter III, No.2
By understanding our faults and actions we can build a framework for self knowledge. If we understand how they have helped shape who we have become, we can understand more about ourselves and our effect on others.
The Seven Deadly Sins represent everything we do that is considered sinful, but they are not always evil, only envy can be no fun at all.
Seven Deadly Sins contains seven illustrations drawn in Dominic Lyne’s unique style showing his own version of the famous Biblical vices.
Version 1 [2011] was an A6 gatefold pamphlet released as a limited edition of 250 copies.
Version 2 [2013] is a comic-sized paperback, which includes a short story written by Dominic Lyne.
Version 3 [2017] is part of The Art of Dom Lyne art prints series. This version contains digitally coloured versions of the illustrations.
Version #1
Date of Release:
23 December 2011
Limited Edition Pamphlet – 10 pages | 250 copies
Version #2
Date of Release:
10 April 2013
Paperback – 16 pages
Version #3
Date of Release:
01 June 2017
Coloured Art Prints – 7 prints
Available From
Version #2: Comic – 16 pages
Version #3: Art Prints – 7 Prints
Coming Soon